Cloud, Data, and Analytics: 4 DevOps and FinOps Trends Every Startup Must Look Out for in 2025

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As an AWS Premier Partner specializing in startups, Automat-it predicts that in 2025, FinOps will shift left and its impact will grow and deepen, GenAI will mature with more targeted services, and advanced DevOps tools will accelerate time-to-market. The DevOps market is projected to grow 25% annually from 2024 to 2032.

Navigating a Changing Landscape

The past two years have been marked by geopolitical shifts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, the October 7 war, and other events, all of which continue to impact the high-tech industry and delay the growth of new startups. Development challenges for startups will also intensify. As hybrid and multi-cloud environments expand, managing complex infrastructures will become more demanding. Meanwhile, the shortage of skilled labor, especially DevOps experts, will increase. The need to control the organization’s cloud costs will become critical.

Against this backdrop, as shown in a report from TechSci Research, DevOps is predicted to grow by 25% annually through 2032.

“The DevOps revolution has contributed, first and foremost, to a significant reduction in time-to-market and a significant increase in the quality of products for many startups on the market, says Viz Kashtan, Founder & CEO of Automat-it.

“As an AWS Premier Partner, we are exposed to the most advanced services, and have deep expertise in the field, allowing us to successfully support startups in all sectors, in Israel and abroad, while carefully and productively managing their cloud environment.”

Moving from Complex to Simple Processes

Startup DevOps teams are striving to increase speed, reliability, availability, survivability, and security. With this in mind, we asked Yoav Tzuri, CTO at Automat-it, to share the DevOps and FinOps trends expected to impact the market in 2025:

Advanced DevOps Tools Will Shorten Time-To-Market

“Five years ago, the path to reach an automation process around software development was long for startups,” recalls Tzuri. “Today, the implementation of such processes is much simpler thanks to advanced DevOps tools, which enable simple and fast implementation.

“This change allows companies to focus more on developing and promoting new applications in their products, and we see similar processes occurring in the financial aspects of cloud services. This trend, of moving from complex to simple processes, will continue to grow and will ultimately affect the shortening of time to market.”

FinOps Shifts Left

With the significant development in the variety of cloud services, some confusion, overlap, or redundancy in services has arisen. Against this backdrop, the field of FinOps was born, putting control back in the hands of startups and allowing them to continuously and intelligently manage their cloud environment, while emphasizing the cost-benefit factor.

“All of our customers, without exception, use FinOps, and the reason for this is understandable — the need to systematically and meticulously manage cloud spending is acute,” says Tzuri.

“The shift in 2025 will be the timing of when a startup uses a FinOps tool. If, until recently, customers analyzed their cloud costs only after consuming the services, in 2025 we will see more cases of using the Shift Left strategy, which offers a cost-benefit analysis in advance, before performing a specific action in the cloud. Such a capability will of course prevent costly mistakes.”

GenAI Will Mature and Offer Targeted Services

In 2024, GenAI engines will be expanded and added to every field and every process or product.

“Virtually all of our customers, almost without exception, are using AI applications today, from email drafting to assisting in development processes. In light of the maturity of the field, in 2025, we will begin to see higher quality and more rigorous data bases, which will provide a higher value learning curve for AI engines,” explains Tzuri

“The services will be personalized and will help customers improve their business processes and generate greater value. In addition, as senior AWS partners, we see a trend that began in 2024 and will gain momentum in 2025 — the return of GenAI activity to the AWS cloud environment, to keep all of the startup’s activity under one roof.
“Customers will also be quick to do this because AWS’s GenAI solution is exceptional in the market in its quality and is characterized by great flexibility and high standards of information security.”

The Impact of FinOps Tools Will Grow and Deepen

In 2024, startups used FinOps tools to perform technological optimizations. These advanced tools made it possible to examine conventional working methods and challenge them economically. This trend, which has already proven itself, will gain momentum next year.

“If in the more distant past startups focused on examining their unused resources and analyzing the total cost of cloud services, in 2025 a trend that began last year will continue, and we will dive in to tackle deeper questions related to optimizing services and costs,” explains Tzuri.

“For example, startups will be able to ask focused questions, such as: ‘Is it worth replacing the database engine?’ ‘Is it necessary to deeply modernize a particular application to become more efficient?’ Or ‘What is the best way to consolidate or split environments?'”

Why This Field Will Flourish

“When you look at a standard startup expense report, you see that within two to three years of the startup starting to use cloud services, this expense becomes the first or second highest, along with personnel expenses,” notes Kashtan.

“Against this backdrop, and as a result of the significant savings that FinOps tools generate for customers, it is safe to say that they will continue to thrive in the years to come.”

“Our role at Automat-it is to support our customers and provide them with the best and most suitable cloud services for them, thus allowing them to focus on their core work and their business development. The rest will happen on its own, in a fluid and smooth manner, with the help of our experts,” concludes Tzuri.