
Indeni Boosts its Scalability using AWS Serverless Solution

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About Indeni

Indeni offers a pioneering continuous compliance and security tool to help internet companies provide secure services.

Indeni’s new platform analyzes your IaC and live environment for security misconfiguration and provides a security-as-code framework to validate your infrastructure-as-code within the CI pipeline. Cloudrail will predict non-compliance and security misconfigurations in your IaC before developers deploy their infrastructure. Cloudrail provides remediations steps and cloud security training in the CI, making it easy to follow compliance requirements.


The Challenge

Indeni product required a scalable solution using AWS architecture:

  • Frontend API services are served using a scalable architecture to collect customer environment information.
  • Backend processing workloads are based on Dockerized applications that are orchestrated in a specific execution order for each customer’s environment.

The Solution

The solution is based on AWS serverless architecture for the workloads and RDS service for the database.

  • API services are provided using AWS API Gateway and Lambda functions.
  • The backend processes are Docker workloads that run on Fargate for EKS, an AWS. serverless container service.
  • AWS serverless Step Functions orchestrates the backend processing by firing the Dockers and Lambda function, which process the data and save analysis to the database.


  1. A state of the art staging and production environments – secured, stable and monitored.
  2. Reduced operational costs by 40% via using a fully serverless architecture.